5 Ways of Branding Your Small Business

12 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog


In this day and age of cutthroat competition, visibility is a prerequisite to the success of any business irrespective of size. When it comes to startups and other small companies, you need to work extra hard to earn the attention of customers and build loyalty. Strategic branding is one way of accomplishing this goal. Here are five branding approaches that will enhance the visibility of your small business.

Social media

The digital age has presented numerous opportunities for companies to advertise at little or no cost. Social media channels like Instagram and Twitter have a broad reach within the click of a button. This new media is a considerable shift from buying ad space in traditional channels like TV or radio which are very expensive. Create a digital footprint and maintain active social media presence to engage customers.


Giving freebies to customers or suppliers is not a preserve of big corporations. Small businesses that wish to break into the market can use branded merchandise to get the attention of potential customers. For instance, a company supplying new baking flour could issue free branded t-shirts, caps, aprons, etc. to every customer who buys a pack. Customers will be impressed by the gesture and adorning these freebies gives free advertisement for the new flour.

Vehicle signage

Branded company vehicles are paramount to enhancing the visibility of the business and its specific offerings. For instance, a delivery vehicle for a fresh juice company can have pertinent information indicated on the sides or have the entire car wrapped in customised graphics. Vehicle signage not only draws attention to the brand but also educates customers about your goods or services. This signage is an advertisement in motion.


Once you identify your brand, refrain from drastic changes that may drive customers to your competitors. For instance, if you identify as a health-centric business that provides healthy food options, all your undertakings need to align with this mission.

Flash sales

Most small businesses are relatively new and so are their goods and services. It is easy for customers to overlook your products even when they see them on the supermarket shelves. A flash sale is a tremendous opportunity to push sales and also appease customers by offering discounts. For added flair and suspense, schedule flash sales irregularly and in different locations.


Branding can help your business to stand out and is one way of creating a loyal following that will yield increased revenue.  However, In order to achieve results, you must be consistent in your marketing and branding efforts.